The onset of COVID-19 in 2020 had us all confining ourselves to our homes, but when you think about it, the world has never been more connected than it is right now. From Whatsapp updates to uplifting Instagram messages, the pandemic has, despite all its challenges, brought us closer as a community.
Over the past year, it’s been the little things that have created a sense of unity between people. No one’s a stranger to the work-from-home life, and everyone dreams of the day they may unveil their smiles and breathe free again. While we continue to live in our bubbles of safety, one small, but very special experience we can share is the little mood booster we begin each day with. Today, we’re sharing five aanswr-approved tricks to giving your morning coffee that extra zing. Check them out before you give them a go using our yummiest offerings from Bili Hu, Rage Coffee and Country Bean.

Pour coconut oil over your problems
Black coffee addicts, this one’s for you. A healthy, easy, and delicious way to upgrade your morning drink is to mix in a teaspoon of coconut oil. Why? Along with giving it a tropical twist, coconut oil may also speed up your metabolism. Alternatively, you can replace this superfood with another—good old ghee.
Mix up your milks
Gone are the days when milk just meant… milk. Between almond, soy and oat, there are quite a few ways for one to alter the flavour of their coffee. Almond milk is your best bet if you want something nutty, whereas soy milk brings a milder, creamier finish.
Treat yourself to that frother
Ever wondered why the coffee you make at home never matches up to the one at your favourite café? The secret lies within, and we’re dishing it today. Country Bean’s stainless steel milk frother, available here, promises you a rich, foamy cuppa every morning.

Walk the vanilla way
This one’s a hack that goes generations back. The next time you pour yourself a cup of coffee, add a few drops of pure vanilla extract before your final stir. If you only buy beans, you can even toss a whole pod into your storage jar to really get the essence going. Lazy? Skip all the extra steps and just add Rage Coffee in Vanilla Punch to your kitchen shelf.

Do the Dalgona
This incredibly Instagrammable treat became one of 2020’s favourite food fads, but Dalgona coffee isn’t just a good looking drink. This South Korean creation also packs quite the punch when it comes to flavour, and may just whip your arms into shape with its vigorous recipe. If you (somehow) haven’t tried it yet, here’s how to do it: whisk instant coffee, sugar and hot water until foamy, then spoon over chilled milk.